On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Jacinto Estima <jacinto.est...@gmail.com>wrote:

>  Something else to add:
> I checked again the log file and there are two queries:
> 1. to get the max time available from the data
> SELECT max("measure_time") FROM (select a.id_number, a.geom, b.id_station,
> b.measure_time, b.wind_direction, b.wind_speed from
> test.mesurement_stations as a
> left join test.mesurements as b
> on a.id_number=b.id_station
> order by b.measure_time
> ) as "vtable"
>  2. to get all the points for that max time
> SELECT encode(ST_AsBinary(ST_Simplify(ST_Force_2D("geom"),
> 0.04539062499999318)),'base64') as "geom" FROM (select a.id_number, a.geom,
> b.id_station, b.measure_time, b.wind_direction, b.wind_speed from
> test.mesurement_stations as a
> left join test.mesurements as b
> on a.id_number=b.id_station
> order by b.measure_time
> ) as "vtable" WHERE  (*"measure_time" = '2012-12-31T19:00:00Z'* AND
> "measure_time" IS NOT NULL  AND "geom" && ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON
> ((75.98650390625001 37.81123046875, 75.98650390625001 56.98876953125,
> 131.70349609375 56.98876953125, 131.70349609375 37.81123046875,
> 75.98650390625001 37.81123046875))', 2))
> If I query directly in postgis, I get "*2012-12-31 23:00:00*" so I
> conclude that for some reason Geoserver is using the wrong time for the
> second request (the result from the first request should be used instead).
> Am I thinking right?

Quite likely, GeoServer does not have an internal good handling of
timezones, that's why I was suggesting to have
everything running in GMT (the issue you have there looks like a timezone


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