Dear Bart,
I guess it is just an issue of the admin UI session.

Try maybe to login/logout from a clean browser session and/or login/logout
from the base GeoServer admin gui URL (you can reach that by clicking over
the GeoServer logo).

On Wed, Jul 7, 2021 at 3:32 PM Bart Zwemmer | GIS Specialisten <> wrote:

> Dear Community,
> On a test server I added the OpenID Connect authentication
> <>
> extension. I then added the configuration through the discovery URL of the
> service provider (Azure AD), as can be seen below:
> Originally, this gave a redirect url of localhost:8080/Geoserver, but in
> the screenshot I tried already several variations with HTTP and HTTPS.
> Other than that, this is a vanilla install of the latest Geoserver WAR
> (2.18.4) on Tomcat. Everything else seems to be working fine.
> When I try to login through the web interface using the new login button,
> it gives me a 404 error. The same when I try to access the logout URL. As
> far as I can tell, I followed the instructions for the plugin properly
> (first link) as well as the instructions for Azure
> <>.
> I posted the problematic URL below, in case you want to experiment. Being
> an app service on the free Azure plan, I can’t guarantee it’s always up
> though.
> ---
> Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards,
> *Bart Zwemmer*
> Technical Manager   <>
> *M: +31(0)642 343 911*
> *E: <>*
> <>
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