JAMISON CONLEY ha scritto:
> Hi all,
> If the dead-ware CustomGlyphRenderer is a mystery, it was initially 
> written to support some functionality in GeoVISTA Studio that was 
> designed to allow editing of arbitrary glyphs, but did not go so far as 
> SVG.  It so happens that I am in the process of resurrecting Studio, or 
> at least that part of Studio, to work with the most recent stable 
> version of GeoTools (2.4.2).  I have no objection to the deprecation of 
> CustomGlyphRenderer--a library of various glyph renderers, including the 
> CustomGlyphRenderer, within the Studio code base is more appropriate 
> than in the GeoTools code base--but would appreciate support for the 
> GlyphRenderer interface, in its current or another location.
> Of course, if the PMC or those who are less tangential to the GeoTools 
> project than I am decide to deprecate the GlyphRenderer interface, I 
> respect that decision.

Hi Jamison,
what about trying to work on a different solution? I believe other
people could enjoy a library of custom glyphs, as such it seems to
me they could be a very good GeoTools module.

Did you have a look at the dynamic styling proposal?

Compared to the GlyphRenderer approach that one considers also working
with Marks, and the return values can be used for high resolution
rendering, such as printing or PDF/SVG generation (where you can store
the glyphs as vectors instead of images).

Do you think GeoVISTA could be interested in adopting that kind of
dynamic styling and share with GeoTools their library or styles?
Do you feel there is something missing?


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