I think it can be pretty useful, I had a good experience fixing code with 
old findbugs (now spotbugs) years ago but you're right it can be hard to manage.
   I'll be glad to give a hand.


   Fernando Mino


   GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit http://goo.gl/it488V 
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   Fernando Mino

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   From "Andrea Aime" andrea.a...@geo-solutions.it
   To "Geotools-Devel list" geotools-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
   Date Mon, 24 Dec 2018 16:37:57 +0100
   Subject [Geotools-devel] Thinking about static analysis
   Hi all,
   I was wondering if it might be time, and or it might be useful, to add some 
static code analysis in our build
   chain, as a profile that build servers can run (especially Travis).
   Looking at the code quality related tools we added in the last year, the 
code formatting compliance checks,
   breaking the build at misbehavior, have worked, while the OWASP checks, 
being a daily check, have largely
   been ignored.
   With this in mind, I think static analysis should be of the kind that can 
break the build, or setting it up might
   end up being a waste of time.
   A second observation is about what the static analysis checks, it should be 
a set of obvious bugs and not
   too many that getting the build in compliant state would be an impossible 
undertaking, otherwise we'd
   not be able to get started.
   Looking around I've found basically PMD, which is a source code analyzer and 
somewhat old, and two
   bytecode analyzer, spotbugs (the successor of the dead findbugs) and 
Google's errorprone.
   PMD checks source code directly, has maven integration and it's well 
   The default setup is not usable imho, as it finds over 1000 violations just 
in gt-main, with all sorts
   of issues in the mix, however it's easy to configure and lowering down to 
   there is only a single thread safety related failure in main (an improperly 
implemented double checked
   locking, not using a volatile field as the synch variable).
   Upping the level of the checks to priority 2 makes the code report a ton of 
"using new Boolean(...)" instead of "Boolean.valueOf"
   which does not seem that important to me.... (well, if it's used in a tight 
loop it's gonna kill performance, ok,
   but believe there should be worse issues to care for). A sample build 
failure report at priority 2 is attached.
   Going up to level 3 throws in a ton of checks that border on trivial, I 
would not go there.
   If you want to try out, I have a branch here: 
   To use it, do a "mvn clean pmd:check -Ppmd" (mind the profile, otherwise the 
configuration won't be used)
   Spotbugs can break the build, but seems to be mostly geared towards doing 
reports. The maven integration
   can be configured to list the types of checks one want, but I cannot find 
the list of all bug analyzers to
   configure it with a smaller number.
   Even with the lowest analysis effort and the highest confidence effort 
setups I get 284 errors reported
   on gt-main only (report attached).
   If you want to try it out, I have a branch here: 
   To use it, do a "min install -DskipTests" (did not manage to get it into a 
profile yet, that part would be easy though).
   ErrorProne is a compiler plugin/javac replacement that adds more checks 
during the compile phase.
   As per Google's philosophy, it's opinionated and leaves little room to 
configuration, on the brighter side,
   on our code base it's reporting relatively few issues, 42 on the gt-main 
module (report attached to this mail),
   and relatively obvious ones.
   One downside, it seems to have issues with JDK 11, however, we can activate 
it only with JDK 8 if needs be.
   If you want to try it out, I have a branch here: 
   To use it, do a "min install -DskipTests -Perrorprone"
   Personally I haven't liked spotbugs, seems too hard to configure, but if 
someone manages to reduce
   the errors reported a few important ones I might change my mind about it :-D
   PMD is quick and easy, although there are very few issues categorized at 
priority 1, High, in the documentation,
   going to level 2 seems to introduce already a bunch that are debatable, but 
not too bad. I would not go priority level 3.
   Also, if there is no one helping, PMD seems at priority "1" seems to be 
suitable for a "one man job".
   ErrorProne seems to have a better balance, not too many issues reported and 
the ones that I see appear
   to be "reasonable", downside, pretty much no configuration, so if we stumble 
into something we don't like,
   well, we're toast. And it's still reporting enough issues that I'm not sure 
I can do it alone.
   Anyone "excited" about the topic enough to help?

   == GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit 
http://goo.gl/it488V for more information. == Ing. Andrea Aime @geowolf 
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phone: +39 0584 962313 fax: +39 0584 1660272 mob: +39 339 8844549 
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