Hi everyone,

I am starting a new project based on GeoTools and I would be very  
happy to have your advices on where to start. I have started to read  
the user manual, but it is really HUGE and I don't really know where  
to start.

To make it simple, I have a file containing different geographical  
informations (cost lines, iso-levels, etc., all in one file) that I  
would like to draw in a Swing component. This file comes in two  
formats : an ASCII format issued by another code (which is not  
standard but lists the points coordinates) or a NetCDF format.

My first reflex would be to extract data from the file, store it into  
a data model that I could pass to the renderer... But in GeoTools, I  
get very confused with the naming of everything. If I got it right, I  
guess my cost lines are features of a cost line feature type, iso- 
levels are features of an iso-level feature type, and so on...

Here are my questions :

1) Swing component : I know there is a JMapPane available, but it is  
apparently not adviced to use it... Is there any alternative ? What  
would you do ?

2) NetCDF : there is a NetCDF reader here 
  that doesn't seem to be present in the final release. Should I  
implement my own reader or is this one mature enough ?

3) I have seen code were the geographical information is read from  
file, passed in java objects and then loaded in a MemoryDataStore. The  
performance is very poor. Should I create my own DataStore (I have  
read the tutorial about creating a DataStore, but I am not sure it is  

4) I still have some problems with the concept of the DataStore. Is a  
datastore the data model ? Should I have more than one ? I want to  
display different data, with different colors, coming (one day) from  
different files, should I create one datastore for each type of data,  
for each file ?

Thanks for your answers


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