Ciao Justin,
as on Open Source project (and also given the "style" of the message
and responses we are seeeing) we can just do three things:

1> state once again that the announced project is a fork, or better an
*hostile* fork
2> ignore their messages from now on
3> do what we think it's best  for geotools

I wish them all the possible best,

Ing. Simone Giannecchini
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Owner - Software Engineer
Via Carignoni 51
55041  Camaiore (LU)

phone: +39 0584983027
fax:      +39 0584983027
mob:    +39 333 8128928


On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 10:50 PM, Martin Desruisseaux
<> wrote:
> Hello Justin
> Don't worry, it was our only anouncement. Personnaly, I will sign off from all
> GeoTools mailing list soon, when it will look like that no question is going 
> to
> be asked (not necessarly about geotoolkit - it could have been about the 
> future
> of the referencing module for instance).
> I realize that a lot of peoples worked very hard on GeoTools. But Justin, with
> all the respect that I own to your work, to Andrea's work and all other, very
> sincerly I believe that I probably gave more of my life to GeoTools 2 than
> anyone else in this community.
> Also from the last statement in your second paragraph, its look like that you 
> do
> not realize that the vast majority of the work that I migrated to Geotoolkit 
> up
> to date was my own work - while I aknowledge the good work of Rueben Schulz on
> projections (especially testings) and Remi Eve on WKT parsing. The most
> controversial part - namely the Refraction's work on multithreading EPSG 
> factory
> - has been discarted and rewrote from scratch. The geotoolkit coverage module
> contains only the core that I wrote myself, with very few exceptions (mostly
> ImageWorker, which I also rewrote completly anyway).
> Obviously the fork is not approved by the PMC, but few forks are approved by 
> the
> original project. Nevertheless this is part of OpenSource life, and the 
> history
> of OpenSource has many examples of forks that became more widely adopted than
> the original project: Inkscape forked from Sodipodi (who remember Sodipodi
> now?), Xorg forked from XFree86, etc.
> Some GeoTools users and developers may move to Geotoolkit, but if such move
> occurs massively it would confirm that the need for a cleaned library existed.
> If this need does not exist, then most users will not migrate and GeoTools has
> nothing to fear. However the private emails of support that we got give us the
> feeling that we are going in a good direction - we were not the only one
> incomfortable with the state of GeoTools.
> You could see benefit from that fork: less hard debates on the mailing list,
> more freedom to apply you own changes one your clone of the code if you wish,
> and you have an opportunity to make the GeoTools build lighter by deleting 
> some
> modules, eventually replacing some of them by dependencies toward fixed
> geotoolkit releases (so more stability on your side).
>        Regards,
>                        Martin
> Justin Deoliveira a écrit :
>> Am I the only one who feels that making Geotoolkit announcements on this
>> list is inappropriate? I understand that you have your reasons for
>> forking, and I respect that. But this fork was in no way authorized or
>> approved by the GeoTools PSC.
>> This is just my opinion, but this seems more or less like an attempt to
>> poach resources from the GeoTools community, which I have serious issue
>> with. Many people have put a lot of hard work in building the geotools
>> library into what it is. You have publicly stated that the end result of
>> this work is "not good enough" in so many words. Doing that and then
>> using resources that those same people have worked long and hard to
>> build goes against the spirit of good will that we are trying to maintain.
>> The other PSC members may disagree with me here, but I would prefer that
>> you use other forums for making these sorts of announcements.
>> -Justin
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