
I brought up this question before but basically I am still unsure of how 
multithreading fits into Geotools when it comes to raster processing (making it 
a JAI question, I guess). JAI being a lazy "pull"-based API I would expect the 
terminal operations (such as encoding a raster into a format for export, such 
as GeoTIFF) having some sort of multiprocessing ability, but that does not seem 
to be the case?

Last time I posed this question I was pointed to this code:

Similar to the above I currently I do this:

private void triggerActualCalculation(RenderedImage renderedImage) {
    final int numTileY = renderedImage.getNumYTiles(),
            numTileX = renderedImage.getNumXTiles(),
            minTileX = renderedImage.getMinTileX(),
            minTileY = renderedImage.getMinTileY();

    final List<Point> tiles = new ArrayList<Point>(numTileX * numTileY);
    for (int i = minTileX; i < minTileX + numTileX; i++) {
        for (int j = minTileY; j < minTileY + numTileY; j++) {
            tiles.add(new Point(i, j));

            .forEach(tileIndex -> renderedImage.getTile(tileIndex.x, 

This seems to cause the rendering chain to be performed in parallel, but now it 
looks like I need to make sure that all computed tiles fit into the tile cache, 
or else I guess tiles will be thrown out and recomputed again when invoking the 
GeoTiffWriter to actually serialize the raster. So it seems like I need to 
choose between doing things in parallel or having enough memory for all the 
tiles to fit into the tile cache. While the resulting image is just a single 
band (as opposed to the 100 something bands used as inputs), it seems like 
there must a better way to do this, having tiles computed in parallel but all 
of them not necessarily fitting into the tile cache (the raster grid can 
potentially be very large and we would like to be able to deploy this system on 
machines without huge amounts of RAM). As I understand it Geotools was designed 
to cope with these constraints, but how is it to be done?

Tobias Gerdin
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