Op 06-02-2023 om 16:31 schreef Taavi Ilves:

I would have submitted the bug to JIRA, but I could not join it: "Your
email address ***@***.*** doesn't have access because
osgeo-org.atlassian.net has reached its license limit."

Anyway, I'm not 100% sure if this had been actionable bug, since
`geojson-store` is under `modules/unsupported`, but here is my issue.

GeoJSONDataStore dies with StackOverflowError when given this geojson:

     "type": "FeatureCollection",
     "features": []

AFAIK this is totally legit according to
https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7946#section-3.3 :
The value of "features" is a JSON array. Each element of the array is a Feature 
object as defined above.  It is possible for this array to be empty.

I reproduced with this GeoJSONDataStoreTest test (simplified test from
testFeatures() from same file):
     public void testEmptyFeatures() throws IOException {
         URL url = TestData.url(GeoJSONDataStore.class,

         GeoJSONDataStore fds = new GeoJSONDataStore(url);
         String type = fds.getNames().get(0).getLocalPart();
         fds.getFeatureReader(new Query(type), null);

Code changes and stacktrace is here as well:


it seems to be bouncing back and forth trying to determine the schema; but that is never going to succeed without any feature so it continues to try until exhaustion.

the reader could short-circuit on an empty collection, but you'd end up without a schema, which is pretty much useless in geotools... personally I'd prefer to fail with an exception early instead.

This could be because the original 2008 geojson spec did not allow an empty array for features.

not sure what you mean with "actionable bug"; this is a community project, basically anyone can propose a solution for this bug


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