Dear Sofie et al.,


In addition to Cristina's recommendation of the Michael Gunter book, which I
heartily endorse, let me also recommend a book on the history of the World
Conservation Union (IUCN):  Martin Holdgate, The Green Web: A Union for
World Conservation (Earthscan, 1999).  Among other things, Holdgate
discusses the considerations that went into re-locating IUCN from Brussels
first to Morges and then to Gland, in Switzerland.  During their history,
IUCN and WWF have found it useful to co-locate.


Perhaps from your perspective this will seem to be ancient history.  If not,
you may also want to glance at Max Nicholson, The Environmental Revolution:
A Guide for the New Masters of the World (McGraw Hill, 1970), which also
touches on the move from Brussels to Morges.




-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cristina Balboa
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 2:14 PM
To: 'Wright, Angus'; 'sofie bouteligier';
Subject: RE: location strategies ENGOs


Here's a good one:  


Gunter, Michael M. 2004. Building the next ark : how NGOs work to protect

biodiversity. Hanover, N.H.: Dartmouth College Press.



-----Original Message-----


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Wright, Angus

Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 1:02 PM

To: sofie bouteligier;

Subject: RE: location strategies ENGOs


Activists Beyond Borders by Margaret Keck would be a good starting point.


Angus Wright



[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of sofie bouteligier


Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 11:59 PM


Subject: location strategies ENGOs


Dear colleagues,


Within the framework of my PhD research, I am looking for some useful texts

on the major environmental NGOs (such as Greenpeace, WWF, .). More

concretely, I was wondering whether anyone can recommend some literature on

location strategies of these environmental NGOs? This is a rather specific

topic, so texts may also refer to broader themes such as lobbying

activities, ... as long as there is a link with location strategies (office



Thank you and kind regards


Sofie Bouteligier




Research Group on Global Environmental Governance and Sustainable



Institute for International and European Policy


Faculty of Social Sciences


University of Leuven





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