no seven dwarves here.....till now  : )


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 1:51 AM
Subject: Fwd: Autoresponse to: Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs - The REAL

I have gotten TWO of these email messages today, which makes me think
that perhaps someone on the mailing list has gotten themselves
infected, and is perhaps sending this same virus on to other Window's
users. As far as I can tell it does not affect Macs running on OS or
other operating systems besides Windows. If no one else on the list
has gotten this "Snow White and the 7 Dwarves" thing, please let me
know, so that I may inform the few email friends I have that one of
them may be infected.
I'm just assuming it's someone on the gerbil list, for I've gotten it
twice today, and no one else has sent me emails. :)

Just wanted to inform everyone, though I'm sure everyone knows better.


>Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 01:32:09 -0400
>From: "Auto Responder for" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Autoresponse to: Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs - The REAL story!
>|  Please read this whole email as it contains information that can
>|  be used to protect your computer from a Virus that is spreading
>|  around the internet.
>|NOTA BENE: This message is automatically generated; PLEASE DO NOT REPLY.
>|           Subsequent email with the same reply-to address should not
>|           induce additional responses from this service.
>[Translate, Traduisent, Ubersetzen, Traducono, Traduzem, Traducen]
>(Translations were done by kind visitors to our site)
>|  Please read this e-mail in its entirety as it contains information
>|  that you can use to protect your computer from a Virus spreading
>|  around the Internet.
>|  NOTE: This message is automatically generated; PLEASE DO NOT REPLY.
>|  Subsequent e-mail with the same reply-to address should not
>|  induce additional responses from this service.
>You are receiving this message because an e-mail, which contained
>your e-mail address as the return/reply-to address, was sent to
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Possible reasons you received this message are
>as follows:
>1) You sent an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to complain to or notify
>     this user about their SPAMMING, sending an e-mail with a virus,
>     sending an e-mail that has content that may not be appropriate for
>     minors and/or to remove yourself from a mailing list, etc.
>2) Someone else sent an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and they are using
>     your e-mail address as their return/reply-to address. If this is the
>     case, we are sorry that this e-mail was sent to you.  However, please
>     read it, as it contains information about the Virus we are trying to
>     stop from spreading across the Internet.
>3) Your anti-virus software sent an e-mail back to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
>     inform them that the e-mail they sent contained a virus. Most
>     of the time, this e-mail is sent without your knowledge by the
>     anti-virus software itself.
>4) Someone has subscribed the e-mail address [EMAIL PROTECTED] to a
>     list to which you are also subscribed. The program that sends this
>     message out tries to make sure that it is not responding to any
>     that it receives from a list server by checking the full e-mail
>     for list information. Some lists do not provide any keys in their full
>     e-mail headers that we can use to keep the our program from
>     If you think this is the case, please contact your list admin and have
>     them remove [EMAIL PROTECTED] from their member list.
>This Spam, containing "Snowhite" in the Subject, is a Virus called
>Hybris.gen.  It sends out e-mail from your e-mail program with
>attachments also infected with the virus, in an attempt to infect more
>computers. This virus scans incoming and outgoing mail and http traffic
>for e-mail addresses to send a copy of itself to. The e-mail the virus
>out use a fake or spoofed "FROM:" address of [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
>hide its tracks.
>We registered the domain to provide you,
>the Internet user, with information about this Virus, tips on how to
>detect, clean and trace it, and how to protect your computer from it in
>the future.
>Here are some other facts that may answer questions you may already have:
>1) We do NOT maintain any mailing lists on our system.
>2) This user (hahaha) does NOT exist on our system.
>3) The e-mail you got with the From: field of [EMAIL PROTECTED] did NOT
>     come from or the web hosting companyís network. This
>     e-mail address was FAKED or SPOOFED.
>4) The e-mail you got is a way for the Hybris.gen Virus to spread
>     itself around the Internet just like the ILOVEYOU Virus that surfaced
>     a year ago.
>5) The "Received:" line of the FULL e-mail header will tell you the IP or
>     Computer name of the person(s) that sent you the Virus.  Most likely,
>     it came from someone you know who is unaware that his or her computer
>     is infected with the virus.
>6) By visiting the domain, you will find helpful
>     information about the Hybris.gen Virus and links to software you
>     can use to clean your computer if you are infected, as well as other
>     miscellaneous information.
>7) We did NOT create the virus nor do we know the person(s) who created the
>     virus. We are NOT affiliated with this person or persons.  The same
>     applies to our web hosting company.
>NOTE: As long as you don't run/open/double click on the attachment
>of the e-mail, this virus should not be able to infect you just by
>reading the e-mail.
>Here are links to well known companies of anti-virus products that
>will show that what has been said above is true:
>This is the link to the website we have set up to provide additional
>information about the Virus:
>     (this is not an adult site of any type)
>If have any questions about this, our contact information is located on
>our web site (
>Thank you for your time.
>   NOTE: Any replies sent to the e-mail address of our auto-responder are
>         viewed by us. Please use the contact information located on
>our web site.
>         Thank you.

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