Hello gerbil people!
My name's James. I'm 16, and I live in Bremen Georgia
Quite a few weeks ago, my dad and his wife's friend
have gotten a snake. They brought it to my dad's house
because they were bombing their's. Later, when they
thought the fumes were out of the house, they brought
their snake back. But the fumes were still present
(they should have sucked it from the house). So they
brought the snake back to dad's house. They had a
feeding mouse they were planning on feeding to the
snake before he got resperatory problems, but the
snake was dying and he wouldn't eat. After the snake
did die, I kept the feeding mouse as a pet.
My dad's wife saw how good I cared for the mouse (who
we named Spike because he eats dogfood, and has lived
longer than anyone would have expected btw), so she
offered to buy me a small pet. I wanted a hamster at
the time, but they didn't have any, so I got a Gerbil.
I got the Gerbil, and later that night, I went to some
Gerbil help sites. I found Gerbils were social
animals, and Cedar could cause resperatory problems,
so I went back to the petshop to get some Aspen and
another Gerbil.
My Gerbils:
My first one, Chibi-chan, is the runt of the litter. I
originally named her Sebring because I didn't know she
was a female. She's had one eye taken by an infection
(her right) because I didn't know anything about
Gerbils at the time (she had the infection when we
bought her! I didn't do it).
My second one, Sebring, is an older brother from the
same litter.
They're both about the same age, but Sebring is almost
twice as large as Chibi-chan because she's a runt.
I haven't gone to any of those Gerbil genetics pages
yet, but I suppose I should check them to find what
kind of gerbils I have.
Well anyway, I joined this Gerbil list because I
really liked Gerbils! I want to learn more about them.
Since a 10 gallon tank is just too small for them (to
me) (that's what they gave me when I bought it), I'm
going to make them a larger cage. I also want to find
out what would be good food to give them if I wanted
to give them a hand-picked diet.
So there you have me and my Gerbils!
Soon I want to build a home page for my Gerbils.

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        "The little Librarian"

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