Once I get beyond 15-20 gallons I can no longer easily
carry the tank so it becomes a chore to clean out.  I
stick to the smaller tanks for most clans and increase
the space by layering with kitchen wire shelves, hung
wheels, boxes, etc.  But the gerbils do love the
space!  I have one 39 gallon.  A good way to get these
for free is to get a cracked on that you repair with
the...what's it called (clear fish-tank-repair-goop-it
a tube stuff, you know)
ABC Gerbils
--- Lian Chang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I think that is a great idea about the aquarium!
> Many people do keep their
> gerbils in 10 gallon aquariums, and as long as they
> have enough things to
> play in and chew, they seem to be happy.  However, I
> have been able to get
> larger ones (about 60 gallons), and my gerbils
> eagerly get used to the
> larger space.  When I've put them in smaller, 10
> gallon aquariums, they can
> definitely tell that it is smaller than their usual
> home, and let me know
> that they are unhappy about it!
> Of course, larger aquaqriums are *much* more
> expensive so they can be
> difficult to buy... I was lucky and bought mine
> (used) from a friend. There
> are other ways of giving your friends more space,
> such as linking two or
> more small aquariums with tubes or a cage overtop...
> I have tried this and
> it does work, but it involves much more work than
> having one large one.
> Anyways, thundregon (and others), I hope you enjoy
> your new friends =)
> Lian
> Black and Brown,
> Lovey and Dovey,
> Cinnamon and Carmel
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