(You might want to shorten that subject in a reply.)

Say hello to the nice Gerbily people Chibi-chan!
"...*snif*snif*...*loss of intrest*.."
Good girl!

Went to the vet today. The vet guy was really rough
with my little Chibi-chan >:(, the girl at the front
desk spelled it Chibi'chan, and the assistant person
was affraid of my Gerbil!
The vet guy gave me some kind of medicine and told me
to put it in their drinking water (they aint gonna
give MY little Chibi-chan a shot if I can help it,
after all she's a runt!)
Both Gerbils drink from the same water bottle (well
duh), and it's bigger than I think the vet guy
realizes. They don't drink an entire (what, 2.6
ounces?) in a day.
Someone on this list said they gave their Gerbils
Cheerios (huney nut?), so I tried them out on my
Gerbils. Chibi-chan loves them, but Sebring just
sniffs them and moves on.
Mom suggested saturating (or at least putting some on)
some cheerios with the medicine. But Chibi-chan
doesn't like medicine-soaked cheerios aparently.
Any suggestions as to how I can give just my little
Chibi-chan the medicine in a sure-fire way?


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