My first Two, Algernon and Arabella (turned out to be 2 boys) were named for Flowers for Algernon, and Arabella seemed flowery enough to go with Algernon.  Next gerbil my sis and I fought over the name, so we decided on Zinnia (like the flower) for when she was a baby, and Abigail (after Abbie Annie, my cabbage patch kid) for when she grew up (we never ended up calling her Abigail).  When Algernon died we got Willy for Zinnia, named Willy (A name which later turned out to be especially apt, as he HAD a willy and USED it ;)) for the Mouse in the children's book The Mouse and The Moon.  They had scads of children, and the one we kept we named Peanut, 'cause she was the colour and size of a Peanut.
Fast forward a few years, and I got a sweet gerbil Tippy, named for Tippy in the Janet Lambert book series.  Tippy's mate was Kipling. I don't know wheret hat name came from, it just seemed like a good name, and I found a gerbil to match the name.  Percil, Kippy's new mate after Tippy died, was named Precilla, from Prissy Andrews in the Anne of Green Gables books.  When She 'became' male, it changed to Percil, which popped in my head after a long talk with Prissy about how she COULDN'T be a boy ;)
And those are my names.. anyone else?

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