>> Use something slightly larger, like a cotton bar
rag, and keep a grip.

It's not the siz of the rag. Chibi-chan's barely grown
since she was a month old.

> What were you offering? Straight meds, meds and
water, meds and applesauce, what?

Meds and applesauce.
Chibi-chan ate just a tiny bit, tasted the meds, and
stopped (just as she had done with the meds on the
cheerios). She won't even eat straight applesauce
(where Sebring can't get enough of them).

> When medicating I often only mix one or two ounces
and only fill the waterbottle that full.

I'm just going to put twice as much into the
waterbottle (to account for another Gerbil). The meds
won't hurt Sebring will they, since he doesn't have an
ear infection?

> You might recruit a helper, one of you holds and the
other feeds (runs the eyedropper)

My mom was helping me, but after watching her try and
shove the applesauce down Chibi-chan's throat
(figuratively), the only person in the world I trust
my little Chibi-chan with is my dad.

>> As far as burrito rolling, it takes experimentation
to be able to hold the animal securely, so it can't
slither out. Once you learn that, you should be fine.

It's her size that creates the problem. She's a runt,
and she's so small. Her head is as big around as her

>> Some animals with nail trims will be pretty good
about it, and you don't have to roller them to feed
them stuff. Just make the stuff in the eyedropper
taste like a treat.

Here's a bright idea for those doctors: flavor the
medicine >_< THe medicine flavors whatever it's with,
and Chibi-chan doesn't like it.
if I put it in their water, I'm sure Chibi-chan won't
drink the water, and the medicine might cause her not
to want to taste water again, like the applesauce.

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