Well, when I was young, my sister wanted a spotted gerbil to name Peanut
(who knows) and I wanted in on the action and wanted one too.  Well, the
spotted one she got turned out to be evil to us kids and so he got
exchanged for an agouti female, who was also named Peanut.  I got "my"
gerbil, a large, round, plump agouti whom I named Popcorn.  Then every
goldfish and random pet we acquired since then had names such as Cracker
and Jack and Butter (to go with the crackers) etc.

When I got into college and got a gerbil (another roly poly agouti) whom I
named Spoo.  Spoo was named in honour of a dog a friend's roommate picked
up.  The friend and his roommate wanted to name this dog Spoo, but the
roommate's pregnant wife (being pregnant got more votes) named the puppy
Roscoe.  Now, this was one amazing puppy and deserved the name Spoo (he ate
some rat poision by accident and barfed neon-green puppy-puke in my
friend's closet... and lived.).  However, he was Roscoe.  So I named my
gerbil for this little (now REALLY BIG) guy.

Soon, Spoo needed a cagemate, and being the proper goth that I am, I named
her cagemate Key.  (Together they were SpooKey.  :)
Since Key died about a month ago, Spoo's been just spoo again, however it's
a worthy name for such a trooper. :)

Well, that's my name-saga.  I tend to chill with the pet for awhile and see
what name they wouldn't mind having before naming them.
For example, my boyfriend's cat started out life as Daisy or some equally
silly un-appropriate name.  His roommate renamed the cat Ashes (she's a
Russian blue, EXTREMELY lanky pretty psycho kitty).  Well, over use and her
personality she has about a million names, one of the most prevalent being
Dammitcat. :)


Kelly and Spoo

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