Kamber Orr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

>I'm sorry for mailing all you again but I've been to so many sites for this
>anwser. I was wondering what is the life span of a well taken care Gerbil?
>Almost every site I have been to has a differant anwser or no anwser at

What is the life span of a well cared for human? The range of answers is
so great - one can give an average, but that can be very deceptive as it
will include all those who died very young and the exceptional few who
lived very long.

The same is true of gerbils. Some die early, some live for five years or
more, but most gerbils will die some time between two and four. I doubt
anyone has don an accurate survey of how long gerbils live and it would
be very difficult to do unless you were breeding huge numbers of gerbils
and never passed any on or ought any in as these would alter the

National Gerbil Society

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