Hello All;
All 12 pups are growing and OK.  Some of them are bigger than another, but they do have about 12 hours difference....  Their mom is doing OK too.  We did have to remove her wheel, because she was taking her pups "for a ride" with her and some of them were flying high.
My other gerbil, Faith, moved into a new tank and had a pups of her own (6 of them).  she is being a good mom too - she doesn't take her babies for a ride in a wheel, she just keeps them in a nest she made and sleeps with them most of the day.
Here is my questions:  I would like to keep some of the pups.  I now have two aquariums, 20 gal each.  I would like to put Buffy (we called the new white gerbil after the late one) and two of her daughters with Faith and her daughter into a longer 20 gal (13 in long) and keep 3 male gerbils in the other 20 gal.  They all will have a wheel (girls will have two) and other toys.  I know that young boys will be OK together, but what about two mothers and their girls?  Is cage-splitting the only answer?  Buffy and Faith were getting along well when they were introduced (we had to remove Faith because she was taking babies away from Buffy - we didn't know she was pregnant then) and they are related.  Do you think 3-4 weeks apart will make them forget each other and they will need the cage-splitting?  And what about their girls?  How should I go about it or is this going to work at all?  I am not sure I can fit another tank at home, but if there is no other way, I guess I can try something.
I would appreciate your advises.

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