>Anyone have any gerbils for sale? I'm looking for champange,
>or shimmel, or burmese..mainly looking for a shimmel and
>burmese pair..But anything will do.
>If you have any for sale and dp USPS over night shipping
>let me know what colors you have and how much.
>    thanks!
>    -----------------------------------------------
>    Ashley
>    Faerie Kiss Gerbils
>   http://www.angelfire.com/my/rockingerbils/enter.html

One more time.  Shipping live warm blooded animals
via the USPS is a FELONY.  (Class 4 I believe)

Some of the USPS employees don't know that.  And
will tell you it's ok.  That doesn't make it ok.  The clerk
and their boss (the postmaster of the station) are up
for aiding and abetting a felony.

Even if they accept the package, the sender is still
committing the felony.  On all packages, the name
of shipper can be omitted but a valid return address
must be supplied.  If they go after a felony conviction
it is the owner of the address or the one that has
signed the lease, that will get it.  So if a minor ships,
and just put their return address and no name, it
will probably be the parent that will be charged.

IF the animals get loose, it may ground a plane for
96 hours or so while it is fumigated, and EVERY BIT
of the wiring must be inspected.  In a 747 that is about
thirty miles of wiring.  The shipper is liable for the
billed downtime and the cost of fumigation, inspection
and recertification.

IF it is discovered what is in the package, it is also
'cruelty to animals'.  In this state it's a minimum of
a thousand buck fine and a year of jail PER ANIMAL.

Falsifying the contents (one gal bragged about
writing 'lizards' on the box) adds to the charges.

I have sent stuff via overnight mail and got half a
tatter back in a plastic bag with a 'so sorry it got
ate by the handling equipment, we did everything
we could and identified this and are returning it
with our apology'.

With the summer weather, the temperature on the
tarmac or at a dock inside a truck can hit in excess
of 150F still air temperature and higher in minutes.
Live animal air freight will not ship anything if either
end is expected to hit 85F or at any transfer.

Others have mentioned traumatized animals when
they didn't know better and had shipped via that
route.  One person had a three or four day shipping
on an overnight package by the time it arrived.  One
animal involved had been shipped TWICE and the
second time nearly unhinged the poor thing permanently.

Don't do anything illegal or possibly harming to your
animals.  I know, there isn't any real alternative either, but.

Don't commit a felony.  Don't endanger your gerbils.

A few research labs have FEDERAL licenses and
ship rats and mice via USPS but that is a very
special circumstance.  And between regular point A
to point B shipments.  Us hobby breeders are NOT
going to get a waiver.

Rebel's Rodent Ranch

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