On Thu Oct 29 14:35:39 GMT 2015, Paul Phillips wrote:

I used to be able to download news videos
using Web PVR Quick URL. Now I can't.
INFO: Trying pid: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-34665151 using type: tv
WARNING: The 'default' programme version could not be determined
WARNING: No programme versions found
Recording complete

Any ideas what might be wrong?

Hello Paul :-)
I'm not a Web PVR user, but I do dinstinctly remember
using the CLI not so long ago for fetching BBC News videos
(they have the added benefit of not being geo-blocked,
at least the majority of them...).

However, trying now (GiP 2.94):

get_iplayer --url="http://www.bbc.com/news/health-34665151"; --modes=best -w --file-prefix="Study reveals psychological effects of skin conditions" --tag-podcast-tv --force

results in the same download failure you reported...

At first glance, it appears to be a change on the beeb's end...
Incidentally (though OT), get_flash_videos also used
to be able to fetch such BBC News clips, but now returns a
Error: Couldn't find BBC XML playlist URL in http://www.bbc.com/news/health-34665151 at get_flash_videos line 8914.

In times of trouble, I always try the "manual" route for downloading:

If you start the playback in a browser and then
right-click on the embedded player, you can get
the version PID (vpid) string for the clip:
1500kbps | RTMP (akamai) | p036hyhk | 704x396
=> vpid=p036hyhk
(you can also find this info by scavenging
Page Source for "vpid"; it's in line 302, see:
With vpid in hand, you can try any of the following
mediaselector URLs to get access to streams:

http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/4/mtis/stream/p036hyhk -> streams
http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/journalism-pc/vpid/p036hyhk - > streams http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/mediaset/journalism-http-tablet/vpid/p036hyhk - > streams

If you are familiar with rtmpdump commands,
then you should be able to compose yourself
a command to fetch from the akamai CDN
(see attachment).
Of special note is the Direct Download link
provided by the 3rd URL, under
(appended token has limited lifespan...)

Unfortunately, GiP can't be fed a vpid string -
I and others have requested this feature in the
past, which could prove handy in cases like this
where things break, but the maintainer is
adamant in not implementing it... :-(

Instead, one must feed it a PID string or,
in this case, a "playlist" URL, which GiP
would then parse to retrieve
the all-important vpid string...

Formerly, I would start playback in Firefox
and then, via its web console, sniff traffic for
URLs containing "playlist"; now this method
reveals nothing; after being puzzled initially,
I closely inspected the whole traffic involved
and after a while I realised the sought after
playlist URL was hidden inside a new guise;
if I filter for "34665151" (found in the clip's URL),
I get the following URL:
which is a JSON file containing all the info I need!
"href":"http:\/\/playlists.bbc.co.uk\/news\/health-34665151A\/playlist.sxml" =>
This is a URL/PID that GiP can now process:

get_iplayer --url="http://playlists.bbc.co.uk/news/health-34665151A/playlist.sxml"; -i | FindStr "modes:"
modes: default: flashhigh1,flashlow1,flashvhigh1,hlshigh1,hlsstd1,hlsstd2,hlsvhigh1

Notice the absence of the "direct download" httpmodes,
which GiP 2.94 does not support...

get_iplayer --url="http://playlists.bbc.co.uk/news/health-34665151A/playlist.sxml"; --modes=best -w --file-prefix="Study reveals psychological effects of skin conditions"

will fetch the flashvhigh1 tvmode!

I believe dinkypumpkin is currently focused on
GiP providing support for the main BBC iPlayer
TV/Radio sites; BBC Sports/News/Archives are
low in his priorities list.
I am under the impression he does read the list traffic,
however if you Paul (or anyone reading this with a
forum registration) feel the urge to alert him about
BBC News being "broken", please do so at:


Kind regards (and Happy Halloween),

<media bitrate="1500" encoding="h264" expires="2099-01-01T00:00:00+00:00" height="384" kind="video" media_file_size="17535433" service="journalism_nonuk_stream_h264_flv_hi" type="video/mp4" 
width="688"><connection application="ondemand" authExpires="2015-10-30T22:21:49+00:00" authExpiresOffset="5418" 
 identifier="mp4:public/mps_h264_hi/public/news/health/1203000/1203704_h264_1500k.mp4" priority="5" protocol="rtmp" server="cp45414.edgefcs.net" supplier="akamai"/>

NB: token is good for approx. an hour...

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://cp45414.edgefcs.net:1935/ondemand" -a 
 -f "WIN 19,0,0,226" -W "http://emp.bbci.co.uk/emp/SMPf/1.13.13/StandardMediaPlayerChromelessFlash.swf"; -p 
"http://www.bbc.com/news/health-34665151"; -C O:1 -C O:0 -y "mp4:public/mps_h264_hi/public/news/health/1203000/1203704_h264_1500k.mp4" -o 

RTMPDump v2.4 GIT-2014-03-02 (Compiled by KSV)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
Starting download at: 0.000 kB
INFO: Metadata:
INFO:   duration                88.40
INFO:   moovPosition            36.00
INFO:   width                   704.00
INFO:   height                  396.00
INFO:   videocodecid            avc1
INFO:   audiocodecid            mp4a
INFO:   avcprofile              77.00
INFO:   avclevel                30.00
INFO:   aacaot                  2.00
INFO:   videoframerate          25.00
INFO:   audiosamplerate         44100.00
INFO:   audiochannels           1.00
INFO: trackinfo:
INFO:   length                  2210000.00
INFO:   timescale               25000.00
INFO:   language                und
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:   sampletype              avc1
INFO:   length                  3898368.00
INFO:   timescale               44100.00
INFO:   language                und
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:   sampletype              mp4a
INFO:   length                  7956000.00
INFO:   timescale               90000.00
INFO:   language                und
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:   length                  3903488.00
INFO:   timescale               44100.00
INFO:   language                und
INFO: sampledescription:
16254.243 kB / 88.38 sec (99.9%)
Download complete
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