作者:Berin Szoka 来源:PFF PFF has just launched the new Center for
Internet Freedom. CIF offers an alternative to the proliferation of
advocacy groups calling for government intervention online by offering
timely analyses and critiques of proposals that diminish the vital role
of free markets, free speech and property rights. We aim to drive the
Internet policy debate in new directions by emphasizing a layered
approach of technological innovation, user education, user self-help,
industry self-regulation, and the enforcement of existing laws
consistent with the First Amendment. Such an approach is a less
restrictive--and generally more effective--alternative to increased
regulation. Here are some of the issues I'll be working on as CIF's
Director in conjunction with my esteemed colleagues Adam Thierer, Adam
Marcus, and adjunct fellows:
- Defending online advertising as the lifeblood of online content &
services, especially in the "Long Tail";
- Emphasizing market solutions to problems of privacy protection,
especially regarding the use of cookies and packet inspection data;
- Protecting online speech and expression both in the U.S. and abroad;
- Defending Section 230 immunity for Internet intermediaries;
- Opposing online taxation and legal barriers to e-commerce and digital
payments, especially at the state and local levels; and
- Ensuring that Internet governance remains transparent and accountable
without hampering the evolution of the Internet.

Posted By GFW Blog to GFW Blog at 11/22/2008 01:43:00 AM
