>  Note: At the moment featurefreeze is more violated by the changes done
>  by for example Michael than by the ideas I'm having which would be
>  something like "little changes with big positive effects"...

You mean the context and dnd stuff... Well, as Olof has already pointed
out, we announced that there are checkins to come and nobody objected.

When starting to add the posibility to store brush/pattern/... in the
context, I even put the question to the ChangeLog. The actual big
checkin where I changed all brush/pattern/... access functions was
9 days later and I didn't get any mail in the meantime.

Just because I didn't write for many files "using the context here fixes
a bug" doesn't mean it didn't. E.g. the device status dialog was totally
unusable after a "refresh" and ensuring it's consistency without the
context would have needed another weird function to be called from outside.
IMHO waiting for context signals and self-updating is much cleaner
and less dangerous than the old paradigm and making the ui always sync
with the internal state _is_ a bugfix.


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