After much procrastination, and input from a number of helpful sources,
I've finished my slides for my LinuxWorld talk.  I've put them online and
would appreciate any feedback, especially if there are any glaring errors
in content or format.

My thanks to Andy Thomas, Rasmus Tamstorf, Tigert, Adrian Likins and Yosh
for providing some feedback to an earlier request for comments.  Adrian's
previous slides turned out to be very helpful and I've modeled my talk on
his, although with a slightly higher level (user centric) tone.

Feedback is appreciated.  But only after you've recovered from tonights
celebrations.  :-) 

Happy New Year Gimp'sters!
Michael J. Hammel           |
The Graphics Muse           |   Suburbia: where they tear out the trees & then
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   name streets after them. 

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