Am 18.09.2012 07:05, schrieb Alexandre Prokoudine:
On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 7:36 AM, Richard Gitschlag wrote:
No.  GIGO applies here - GIMP assumes that the state of the image when you
hit Save is exactly what you want to be saved to disk, so that's precisely
what it does.  In cases where it's not (such as with resizing the whole
image) GIMP has no way to tell know better.

However, a resize-during-export could make an interesting feature

In my experience, exporting with existing samplers needs to be a
user-controlled action. It really depends on the kind of image you are

For screenshots, automatic resizing simply produces horribly looking
pictures. One of the reasons I run GIMP 2.9 for Git master is because
I can access LoHalo sampler which works far better for resizing down
than anything else in GIMP 2.8. And even then I need to add a bit of
unsharp masking, depending on particular case.

i think your example gives a compelling argument to enhance the export 
functionality a lot further. Not just auto-resize, but instead a complete GEGL 
side-chain for export!

The promise of going non-destructive is that you will be able to correct the 
misspelling of your customer's name which you missed 50 steps ago. You should not 
have to manually repeat all those carefully finetuned resample & sharpen steps 
just in order to export the corrected composition. The promise should not end when 
it comes to exporting.

While GIMP can be understood as an XCF editor, XCF is almost never the 
deliverable. In my understanding the product vision identifies exporting as a 
primary necessity.

The GEGL side-chain concept may work also on the import side:

   bla.siff -> [OP1]-[OP2]-[OP3]  ->  composition   ->   [^OP3]-[^OP2]-[^OP1] 
->   bla_worked.siff

The necessary operations to convert a foreign file to a GIMP composition can be 
expressed as a small GEGL chain/tree. This import chain can be mirrored by a 
complementary export chain which contains the necessary operations to re-create 
the imported file. Or a least-surprise approximation of that file.

The import and export trees can be saved in the XCF, so that all the steps can 
be repeated and adjusted as needed. Also no more worries about whether to save 
the composition before resizing or after. It can be saved anytime, as the 
resize operation is only part of the export side-chain.


For standard "artistic" usage, the classic pop-up dialog with checkboxes serves 
the common cases. Under the hood, a GEGL chain performes the flattening and compression 
etc. This chain is invisibly controlled by such exports dialogs as they are in place 
right now.

For advanced "scientific" usage, a boxes-and-hoses GEGL side-tree can be 
tweaked to create just about any nasty structure for a foreign file that anyone may care 
to create *).

Possibly, even the projection concept (as envisioned for CMYK) may be hijacked to carry 
the GEGL side chain as a kind of "export projection".

best regards,

*) for example, a SIFF file containing both layers with alpha and layers 
without without alpha. Or mixed 1bit/24bit layers with 8bit alpha. Whatever 
SIFF supports. (The names have been changed to protect the guilty).

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