On Wed, Jun 09, 2004 at 09:31:42PM +0200, Sven Neumann wrote:
> Hi,
> > is it possible to get an email from mitch himself that might inject a
> > little something more into this decision?
> > 
> > giving bad news like this, after so long.  it seems fair to have
> > more to go on.
> > 
> > mitch is not quick to email.  i understand this.  it would be nicer
> > to hear it straight from the "horse's mouth" however.
> Mitch is on holidays at his parent's place so don't expect him to
> answer during the next days. Also he said he won't go to this year's
> Guadec/GimpCon several months ago already. He just recently considered
> to perhaps change his mind but yesterday finally decided not to. His
> personal reasons don't need to be discussed on the lists and it is
> IMHO very impolite of you to ask for this to happen.
> Anyway, what about you? I guess I missed your mail to the list that
> tells us you are coming?
i check my mail for personal mail i sent to mitch.  i have been sending
personal mail explaining what i am doing to potential VOLUNTEERS so as
not to offend them and yet still protect the ones we have.

you think that having mitch send this bad news himself is rude?  i think
it is beautiful.  i think you are rude.

i am also concerned because every photo i ever saw of you, mitch was in
the background very close to a keyboard.  i have a theory that you do
not function without mitch at the keyboard.  this makes me as nervous
and rashy as using windows does.

i am planning on screaming "whee!" so loudly when i get the ticket that
you will be able to hear this in berlin.

as for mitch writing his own mail -- he has a certain sort of elegance
in his use of words that you and i both lack.


> Sven
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