Michael Natterer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> I'm not entirely happy with this, too. However there are places where
> both eg a popup _and_ dnd are logical to bind to mouse1. If I find
> a way to intuitively distinguish the default mouse1 action (poping
> up the preview) and dnd, I'll run and commit the patch.

One way to do it might be this: Popup the preview immediately when the
user presses the button. When the mouse is moved with button1 down by
more than a few pixels, pop down the preview and enter dnd-mode. If the
user doesn't move the mouse (by more than a few pixels) pop down when
the user releases the button.

I use this technique to distinguish between clicks and drags in Sketch
and it works quite well.

Bernhard Herzog   | Sketch, a drawing program for Unix
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | http://www.online.de/home/sketch/

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