On Mon, Jan 10, 2000 at 09:09:51AM -0800, Carl B. Constantine wrote:
> On 1/10/2000 8:55, Ian McKellar at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > GimpMill is a GIMP plugin written in Python using James Henstrige's
> > really cool Python GIMP bindings. It allows the construction of Sawmill
> > themes within The GIMP - extending the GIMP interface to allow theme
> > creation like the GAP extends it to allow animation creation.
> very cool! I've been meaning to take a hard look at Sawmill and compare it
> with E and such like. I have theme ideas and this will help greatly.

Sawmill is vastly superior. For a start its missing all of E's extra
features :)
> Also, slightly off topic, but there is also another sawmill theme creation
> tool in the works by John Harper. There's a link to it on the
> sawmill.themes.org site.
Yes, its apparently part of 0.21 which I haven't had a chance to look at 
yet. I thought I would write mine before I got to see his, so my ideas
weren't clouded by reality. I strongly feel that theme production tools
which are integrated into GIMP are the right way to go.


Ian  McKellar | Email: yakk(a)yakk.net     | Web: http://www.yakk.net/
Fax: +61 (8) 9265 0821 / +0 (775) 205 0307 | Home: +61 (8) 9389 9152
If God didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat.

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