On Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 10:55:04PM +0100, Jarda Benkovsky wrote:
> Tuomas Kuosmanen wrote:
> > The icons are imho very good, try making better ones and you understand
> > why. Of course they arent PuRdy CuTe, but that is not the point. Most
> > graphics tools dont have too colorful icons, excluding Painter(tm) of
> > course.. :)
> IMHO the problem is that the new ones (from dodge/burn on) are somewhat
> inconsistent
> in drawing style - I would personally like them to have more gray, so
> they are
> visible with dark button background too. For example, lasso or text have
> nice
> gray shadow, so they are clearly recognizable, but dodge/burn and smudge
> are
> black only.

You are right :)

They could use some shading. But other than that, I think they serve their
purpose pretty well.



.---( t i g e r t @ g i m p . o r g )---.
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