Hi Kolbjørn,

Kolbjørn Stuestøl (Thursday, 19. August 2010)
> The text explaining the randomness slider in the filter Line Nova
> is a bit confusing to me:
> "Set this value more larger (up to 2000) to get more distoted
> radiation. Regular star shape is given by setting this value to 1.
> The default is 30.." (Also a printing error: disto*r*ted).

IMHO you can safely change this (or any other) text if you think it's 
confusing or wrong. Most likely you will enhance that text, and if you 
really happen to make it worse (nobody is perfect!) someone else will 
be confused and will hopefully correct it. :-)

> I think the average user will better understand an explanation
> something like this:
> "Let the rays start at a random distance from the center. If this
> control is set to 1, all the rays starts at the distance from the
> center determined by the value set in the offset radius above.
> Higher values will randomly add or subtract some pixels from or to
> the calculated distances. The scale goes from 1 to 2000 with 30 as
> the default value."

Sounds good to me.

Maybe it's a good idea to add two or three sample images (e.g. 3 
images à 150x150 pixels (with reduced number of lines?)) to illustrate 
the effect of this option? 

> Perhaps adding something telling that the value 1 will result in a
> circular start and that a high value will let the rays almost cower
> the image.

Yes, why not?


Mißtraut denen, die da sagen, dass Gott auf ihrer Seite steht.
Sie sind nur so nah ihrem Gott, weil sie so fern dem Menschen sind.
                -- Michael Schmidt-Salomon

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