David (Saturday, 04. September 2010)
> Just come across this little one:
> =====
> 2.4. Open
> The Open command activates a dialog that lets you load an existing
> image from your hard-drive or an external medium. For alternative,
> and sometimes more convenient, ways of opening files, see the
> Files section.
> =====
> The "Files section" link is incorrect - there is nothing about
> opening files there

The correct link would be a link to II.5.3: Opening Files, but this 
seems to be not really helpful (same information), so I will change 
the text to
        "For alternative ... ways ..., see  see the following commands
        (--> 'Open as Layers' etc.)."

David (Sunday, 05. September 2010)
> Another specific issue:
> ======
> 13.2. Creating a Basic Shape
>     1.Drawing shapes is not the main purpose for using GIMP.
> However, you may create shapes by either painting them using the
> technique described in Figure 7.35, “A new image” or...
> ==========
> I suggest this would be better as:
> ======
> 13.2. Creating a Basic Shape
>     1.Drawing shapes is not the main purpose for using GIMP.
> However, you may create shapes by either by drawing straight lines
> (Section 13.1) or... ==========

I fixed the link, now it reads
        " ... by either painting them using the technique described in
        --> Section 13.1, “Drawing a Straight Line” or by ..."

Bill Skaggs (Sunday, 05. September 2010)
> It strikes me that a brief explanation that Gimp is not designed to
> be used for drawing shapes [...] might save the user considerable
> time and effort.

So what if we just change
        "Drawing shapes is not the main purpose for using GIMP."
        "GIMP is not designed to be used for drawing [shapes]."
and add a footnote linking to Inkscape:
        "Check out e.g. [INKSCAPE] for this purpose".

Providing this additional information in a footnote looks like a good 
compromise to me.

David (Sunday, 05. September 2010)
> My main concern is that it needs organising (and some editing). It
> feels as if it has grown and grown, with different people adding
> different bits, but without an overall structure....?

The overall structure is not missing IMHO, it's just a bit fuzzy. ;-)


Jeder Staat beruht auf Macht, jede Macht auf Gewalt, und
Gewalt, sagt Einstein, zieht stets moralisch Minderwertige an.
                -- Karlheinz Deschner

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