> @David:
> BTW, I think you did never mention: are you working on cloned copy of
> the git repository, i.e. on the source files?

I do have a cloned copy, and have submitted one minor change from it.

However the webpages at


are a quick mock-up using (rather imperfect) html/css. To do this from the 
docbook source would mean moving to my Ubuntu machine and, in the absence of 
instructions which I believe were once on the wiki, I'd expect to spend hours 
getting the thing to generate html from docbook, and hours learning which 
docbook tags are useful, and hours playing with gimp-doc style sheets. In other 
words the technology is in the way.

The main problem I'm trying to solve can be illustrated thus:

The docs describe how to draw a straight line, *at least twice*. The second 
author must have been unaware that it had already been done. Now, if an author 
is unable to find what is in the contents, there is surely little hope for a 
user. That's a problem, isn't it? ;)

My contention is that by restructuring the contents we could make the docs much 
easier to use. So I've mocked that up for your comments.

Because it was easy, I've used a more visually compact page layout, which I 
prefer - that's a secondary (independent) issue.

If there is interest in restructuring the contents, I'd try to find the time to 
set things up. If not, I'd be better offering just minor changes from 
hand-altered docbook source, for someone else to test / commit.

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