On 8/6/19 7:03 PM, Julian Rickards via gimp-gui-list wrote:
My point and shoot camera can't do long exposures (at least not during
daylight, there is a fireworks setting for nighttime). I wanted to try
to create smooth flowing water using a technique I had read about
where many single photos were blended. I realize it won't be as good
as a long exposure but it'll do for now.

However, I'm unclear on the blending settings of multiple layers. I
seem to recall having read that the settings are based on #layers/100%
so, for a simple example, if there are 3 layers, then 3/100% = 33% so
the top layer is 33%, the second layer is 66% and the bottom layer is

No, the rule is that layer opacity is 100%/n, where "n" is its order in
the stack (starting with 1 for the bottom layer). So that's 100, 50, 33,
25, 17, 13, 11, 10.

If you have many layers, make sure you have only that image opened in
Gimp, open the Python console (Filters>Python-fu>Console) and enter
these two lines exactly:

- - - - - - - -


for i,l in enumerate(reversed(image.layers),1): l.opacity=100./i;

- - - - - - - -

(strike enter twice after the second one)

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