On 09/01/17 21:36, gre2gor wrote:
is there any willing member to hlep me started with data driven graphics? I used
to do graphics with Photoshop and variables.

I need to do some graphics on the go, during livestream on YouTube. I started to
use Powershell as a main control interface. Recently I found out that I could
script to have dynamic images during the stream.

I do most ice hockey broadcasting with no budget, mainly becouse my sons play
it. I would like to have some graphics when a goal is scored or penalty is
assesed. I would want to have goal scorer or penalty receiver.

Prior the game I can enter roster and when event occours I would enter only
jersey number and GIMP would make me a graphic based on jersey number and data
from roster.

Something similar is now done with Photoshop, but I have to do it manualy - only
data is taken from database (CSV file).

If somebody would want to help I would be really happy. I do not need the whole
script, just something to start. I would figure out the rest eventualy.

This shouldn't be too hard to do with Gimp Python scripts. There are plenty of libraries for everything in Python, so you could read Excel files, a SQLite database or even pull data from a web site. Now the problem is where you start (ie, what you already know...).
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