>Sure thing I obviously have near no experience with GIMP and I truly
>do appreciate your efforts to help me.  I'm not sure what exactly you
>mean  by "frame" but I included a screen shot and the GIF itself hope
>that helps.

A frame is a layer, it even shows that in your screenshot.

The color-map is too complicated to easily edit so change the gif color mode to
RGB Image -> Mode -> RGB

The gif is optimized so un optimize it Filters -> Animation -> Unoptimize

One way (there will be others) is make a color mask of the arrow (incl border
pixels) in red.

That is then merged as an overlay with layer mode = color and reduced opacity
(75%) for each of the 21 layers in turn.

Very tedious but there are plugins to help. Ofnuts has one 'interleave-layers'


about 30 entries down

In practice looks like the attached screenshot

then the result has to be re-optimized and exported as an animated gif.

To be honest, not that easy for a beginner.

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/453/original/overlay.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/454/original/recoloured-opt.gif

rich2005 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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