OS 10.11.6, GIMP 2.8.18, Huion Tablet Driver 11.0.8.

Problem 1:
I have several custom pencils and erasers. The erasers are 1 pixel wide, 3 
pixels wide, and 10 pixels wide. All the pencils are 1 pixel wide, but 
different colors, one of which is the default black.

When I switch from pencil to eraser, everything is fine. If I switch back 
without  changing the eraser, I get the same pencil with the same color. 
However, if I switch erasers before returning to the pencil, the pencil always 
switches to the default black color, rather than the color of the previously 
used pencil. This does not happen with any other tools.

Any ideas why this occurs and how to fix it?

Problem 2: 
When switching tools the program sometimes doesn’t take the first click on a 
different tool. May take several. Occasionally it will seem to select the 
proper tool, but when I move onto the work area, the previous tool remains 

Is this possibly a tablet driver problem, or something else?

Problem 3:
When I first start using the tablet (not when first connected), GIMP switches 
to the airbrush tool, regardless of which tool was previously selected. It can 
take several tries to get the proper tool selected.

Is this possibly a tablet driver problem, or something else?


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