On 06/12/2017 01:50 PM, nateart wrote:
>> ....snip...
>> Just for info.
>> That list of shortcuts is generally OK but it is for Gimp 2.6 and has
>> not been updated to include changes.
>> example 'shrink-wrap' ctrl-E is now ctrl-J
>> The best list I know is this one:
>> http://clownfishcafe.blogspot.co.uk/p/gimp-28-shortcuts.html
> Downloaded that... thanks!!

You can also create shortcuts for pretty much every tool in the GIMP.  I
use keyboard combinations that make sense to me for lots of fuctions.
You can also configure your mouse wheel plus a keyboard shortcut to do
useful things, such as making brushes larger and smaller or changing
their hardness on the fly.

I configure Alt + scroll up/down to make brushes larger or smaller, and
Ctrl + Alt + scroll up/down to make brushes harder or softer.

Picture worth thousand words:


I also made a small set of VBR brushes to go with:  GBR brushes are
bitmaps, so you can scale them on the canvas but not change their
hardness; VBR brushes are vector files, and you can change both size and
hardness freely.




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