Hello Jehan.

Thanks for your e-mail and again for your time to look at my problem. I hope I 
have fully answered your questions below, but if you need any more information 
please ask.
I'm not sure how you mean your explanations. Are you saying for instance that 
you want to use ctrl-x (with the on-screen keyboard) to cut, but you currently 
can't, and you have to go through the menu?

When I press control-X nothing happens. As with any of the shortcut modifier 
keys, e.g. control, alt or shift when I use the Microsoft on-screen keyboard, 
so to carry out any procedure or action in gimp I have to use the gimp menu.

Use Microsoft on-screen keyboard.

Press shortcut keys

Result nothing happens.

So every time I need to carry out a procedure in the gimp, such as, cut and 
paste a selection, or any other menu item requiring using shortcut keys, 
nothing happens, so to carry out any procedure or action in gimp I have to use 
the gimp menu.
And if so, why: doesn't the on-screen keyboard appear? Is it available, but 
clicking control-x does not cut anything?Some more details would be useful to 
understand the issues.

The on-screen keyboard does appear. It is available throughout using gimp but 
as I said before, when I use control-X, it doesn't cut anything. Nothing 
happens and I have use the gimp menu interface to perform any action.

Reproduction steps:
1/ Select part of an image.
2/ Hit ctrl + x in the on-screen keyboard

Expected result: the select piece of image should be cut.
Actual result: nothing happens.

Your above descriptive sequence is correct.

I perfectly understand this. I hope we can find the reasons for your issue.Just 
explain step by step what happens on your screen as explained above. Assume 
that we don't know at all what you are seeing and what you are expecting (which 
is the actual case), especially since most of us don't have the need to use an 
on-screen keyboard as you do; and moreover most developers of GIMP don't even 
use Windows as a daily OS.So we don't really know what one who use Windows and 
an on-screen keyboard expects.

Yes, I assume that am one of the few, if not the only gimp user working with 
the on-screen keyboard or a Windows 7 platform, so it is unlikely that this 
problem has ever risen to anybody 's notice before. In fact, I have only 
recently started using gimp myself. So as I explained, I am a complete newbe. 
However, it may be worth noting that although the gimp developers don't use 
Windows, I suspect the majority of gimp uses do.

      From: Jehan Pagès <jehan.marmott...@gmail.com>
 To: stephen burton <steveburt...@yahoo.co.uk> 
Cc: "gimp-user-list@gnome.org" <gimp-user-list@gnome.org>
 Sent: Sunday, 26 November 2017, 23:20
 Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] Microsoft on-screen keyboard doesn't work with gimp 

On Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 1:06 PM, stephen burton
<steveburt...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Thanks Jehan for helping me out. To be honest, I'm not a developer, merely
> in newbe using gimp for a very short time. I didn't know about the GTK+
> project. It looks very exciting, might not be a programmer I don't know how
> to use it.

No problem, you don't have to be a developer to create with GIMP. ;-)
I am not proposing you to "use" GTK+. GIMP uses GTK+, not you. I was
just wondering if you also had other software which also use GTK+.
But if you don't know, it's ok. Don't worry.

> With the Microsoft on-screen keyboard what appears not to be working on the
> simple modifier keys. For example I 't use control X. I have to use cut from
> the edit menu. The Microsoft on-screen keyboard so works with any text
> field, for example I can enter a file name, but when a save it I can't use
> CONTROL C to save it. I can't use shift all the ALT key to modify a
> selection.

I'm not sure how you mean your explanations. Are you saying for
instance that you want to use ctrl-x (with the on-screen keyboard) to
cut, but you currently can't, and you have to go through the menu? And
if so, why: doesn't the on-screen keyboard appear? Is it available,
but clicking control-x does not cut anything?
Some more details would be useful to understand the issues.

Usually the way to report bugs is doing step by step procedures, then
end with the expected result and actual result.
For instance, here is what it could be with the ctrl-x example (which
may be wrong regarding your issue since I'm not sure I understand what
you are saying).

Reproduction steps:
1/ Select part of an image.
2/ Hit ctrl + x in the on-screen keyboard

Expected result: the select piece of image should be cut.
Actual result: nothing happens.

> I see you that there are a number of books referenced in the GTK + project
> documentation. Do you know if there are reputable by a non-programmer mind?

No as I said above, you don't have to read books about GTK+. This is a
code library for programmers to make usage of. Don't bother with this.
I just wanted to know if other GTK+ program had the same issues you
were experiencing. And if so, it would probably mean the problem lies
in GTK+ code.

> As you can imagine, to have to keep returning to the gimp menu for even
> simple tasks is rather exhausting, especially because I work the mouse with
> my nose.

I perfectly understand this. I hope we can find the reasons for your issue.
Just explain step by step what happens on your screen as explained
above. Assume that we don't know at all what you are seeing and what
you are expecting (which is the actual case), especially since most of
us don't have the need to use an on-screen keyboard as you do; and
moreover most developers of GIMP don't even use Windows as a daily OS.
So we don't really know what one who use Windows and an on-screen
keyboard expects.

> Many thanks for listening.

You are welcome.

> Steve
> ________________________________
> From: Jehan Pagès <jehan.marmott...@gmail.com>
> To: Ringbat <steveburt...@yahoo.co.uk>
> Cc: "gimp-user-list@gnome.org" <gimp-user-list@gnome.org>
> Sent: Sunday, 26 November 2017, 3:43
> Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] Microsoft on-screen keyboard doesn't work with gimp
> 2.8
> Hello!
> On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 5:55 PM, Ringbat via gimp-user-list
> <gimp-user-list@gnome.org> wrote:
>> Microsoft on screen keyboard doesn't seem to work using gimp. I use the
>> keyboard with a mouse due to my disability. I am working on a Windows 7
>> platform using gimp 2.8. Any ideas where I can go to get advice or better
>> still a workaround. I have tried at the on-screen keyboards , but I seem
>> to
>> get the same problem.
> Have you tried any other program using the GTK+ toolkit by any chance?
> Do you have the same issue there?
> Also what doesn't work exactly? The on-screen keyboard does not pop up
> when your cursor enter a text field? It pops up but it won't write
> into the field?
> Jehan
>> Thanks for reading.
>> Ringbat
>> --
>> Sent from: http://gimp.1065349.n5.nabble.com/Users-f3.html
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