>Thanks ...
>Not quite sure what you mean ...
>"So, start with the Work you want to resize, and create a new  object
>with the desired size your trying to get.  then  copy one into the
>Do you mean do the above In Gimp2? Then export to a jpg from gimp2?

Gimp, you can have multiple images open.

what as explained to me, was Create a new image to the size you want
open the image you want to resize.
drag the working image on to the Working picture then tell it too scale to it. 
Then Export it..

after its been exported, import the image into word. and it will be the size you
need it too be.

when I copy from Gimp to word, a kind of magic happens, and it gets distorted.

menglor (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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