>I can not for the life of me seem to locate the dialog box for the
>symmetry tool. I go to windows>dockable dialogs and it is not there as
>an option. is these feature no longer part of the program?

It should be there: What operating system? and if Windows, version of Gimp
(gimp.org or partha or samj)

For non Gimp developement users. Development version of Gimp required - 2.9.x

Windows -> Dockable Dialogues -> Symmetry Painting adds the dock

Drop down menu in the corner of the dock to choose the type.

All in one screenshot attached. Gimp 2.9.9 Kubuntu 16.04

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/817/original/symmetry.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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