Hi there,

I am having great difficulty with getting GIMP tools to work.

I am attempting to make a meme.  I am trying to experiment with some tools
(namely Smudge and Blur) to get the edge of someone's hair to look like it is
naturally draping over the back of a jacket.

I'd previously been using the Clone to make the person's hair go over his face
and the jacket pattern cover his clothing.  That worked well enough.  As soon as
I switched to the Blur tool, the paint tools stopped working.  I can't even get
Clone to work.

I read online that you have to make sure the layer you're working on is selected
in the Layer dock.  I've done that, and it still won't work.

I've attached my project for reference.

Any assistance/guidance that anyone could provide me would be much appreciated!


* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/822/original/seth_brundle_fly.xcf

RunSebastian (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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