>Yeah it was a couple years ago, so it's lost to the fog of memory. :-)
>think I was updating an old script to be compatible with the more
>versions of gimp. I think I just edited the text file directly.
>guess I'll dive back in again.
>I reported it as a bug instead of just debugging the script because
>popped up a 'critical error' with the stack trace and requested in the
>dialog that I file a bug about it... didn't seem like it was just a 
>script error, in other words. Sound appropriate?

I do not suppose any of you mailing list guys ever even think of looking at the
gimpusers forum, after all why should you.

but similar question came up a few days ago


The Gimp 2.10 appimage is not the best when it come to adding scripts and
plugins, however for once it works.

Just pop the script sg-luminosity-masks29.scm in

looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/5EXnsrb.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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