On 06/27/2018 05:29 PM, Michele Livesay via gimp-user-list wrote:
> I want to take a black lined color book page and change different pieces of 
> the line to different colors.   I am trying to make an embroidery design with 
> colored lines not filled in parts.  I also want to use the ripple effect in 
> some of these designs.  Can you help me?

Hey Michele,

I'm now sure I understand "black lined color" so this may not be the
answer you need, but if you are starting with black lines on a white
background, changing only the color of the lines is easy:  Make a new
layer, and set its Layer Mode to Addition.  Then, if you use the Paint
tool on the new layer, the black lines (only) will change color when
painted over.

If the original layer's background is not quite white, adjusting it with
with the Tools > Levels or Tools > Curves tool will fix that.

If the original layer does have color content as well as the black
lines, it can be removed.  I would probably start by doing Colors >
Desaturate, looking at the results of the different options and using
whichever came closest to my desired result, then using the Curves tool
to white-out all but the darkest pixels.  (The Threshold tool will also
work, but the Curves tool seems to give more precise results; ymmv.)

If you want to use the Ripple filter on the lines (Filters > Distorts >
Ripple) it would be best to do that before coloring them, or you /could/
apply the same distortion to the lines and colors layers after coloring
the lines, or you could do Layers > New From Vislble and apply the
ripple effect to the new layer.

If these aren't the answers you need, give us some more details.


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