I use the text tool a lot myself and have just come to work around most the 
annoyances. I realize that it's a tricky situation as there are a ton of 
variables to consider as well as multiple workflows. I am just chiming in to 
agree wholeheartedly with #4.

I recreate logos and have to match fonts to text in an image. In doing so I am 
constantly zooming in to get the kerning correct which puts the floating box 
with the kerning adjustment out of view. I have to zoom out to make an 
adjustment and back in to check it. This can get painful after a while. Of 
course I wish the floating panel would "float" within the viewport, but I'd be 
just as happy to have the adjustment available in the tool panel if that's the 
only way to get it to work.

Baseline and any other controls that are exclusive to the floating panel should 
be available in the tool panel if the floating panel cannot be kept in view at 
all times.


On Tue, Jul 10, 2018, at 12:33 AM, Pierre Equoy via gimp-user-list wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been using GIMP for a while now, and the way the Text tool works as 
> always bugged me. I would like to discuss what bugs me, what other 
> people think, potential solutions for it.
> Now, maybe I'm using the tool wrong, or maybe there is a rationale I 
> don't understand behind some decisions. In that case, I would love to 
> have the feedback from a power user or a developer.
> 1. "Tool Options" Versus floating panel
> When you create a text, a floating panel appears above it.
> Some options are common between the "Tool Options" panel and the 
> floating panel (eg. Font Name, Size, Color).
> Some options, though, are only available in one of the panels (e.g. 
> "Kerning" is only in the floating panel). Why?
> In addition, some options that appear in both panels don't have the same 
> output. I believe it's because the floating panel operates on the 
> selection, whereas the "Tool Options" panel operates on the whole text. 
> However, it can be very confusing. For instance:
> a. Create a new text
> b. Modify the size in the "Tools Options" panel (by either entering a 
> number and pressing Enter, or scrolling with your mouse wheel)
> -> the text size changes (OK)
> -> the value also changes in the floating panel (OK)
> c. Do the same as in step b. using the floating panel size
> -> nothing happens (which is confusing because the text size option 
> looks exactly the same in both panels)
> Wouldn't it be easier to unify all the options in one panel, and, for 
> instance, to remove the floating panel entirely?
> 2. Floating panel does not include a quick font selector
> As of today (GIMP 2.10.4), the floating panel only includes a text 
> field, and you have to manually input the name of the font you would 
> like to use. Could this text field be changed to a drop-down menu? Or is 
> it possible to include the same "Font" button that is in the "Tools 
> Options" panel?
> 3. Font button and font text field
> Generally speaking, why are the two separated? Wouldn't it make more 
> sense to only have one drop-down menu where the user could preview the 
> fonts, select them or look for them (by typing some letters)?
> 4. Floating panel on the edge of an image
> If you create a text on the right edge of an image, the floating panel 
> cannot be accessed. Even if you middle-click and drag to reposition the 
> canvas, in some instances you cannot access the whole floating panel 
> options.
> This is a tricky situation that would require either very smart 
> automatic-positioning, either allow the user to manually drag this 
> floating panel, either... getting rid of it entirely and put the options 
> in the "Tool Options" panel instead.
> 5. Text selection
> After creating a text, if you select a part of it, each selected letter 
> will be surrounded by a box. Is there a rationale in using that method 
> instead of the more common highlight [1]?
> Thank you!
> Depending on the output of this discussion, I will create issues in GIMP 
> Gitlab project.
> [1] Example (blue highlight): https://i.stack.imgur.com/HooG6.png
> ​--
> Pierre
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