>The more I look at the "lightroom version", the less I like it. For
>the orange is oversaturated; I preferred the softer, more "pastel"
>of the original. Also, the dock is so dark in the original that trying
>to recover any detail there doesn't look particularly good to my eye,
>besides that I preferred it being just a silhouette anyway.
>I also looked at how I would crop it to 2:1 and... didn't like any of
>*those* results either. You either lose a lot of the interesting bits
>the sky, or the interesting detail on the sand in the lower corner, or
>both. If you can keep the original aspect ratio, it might be worth
>doing so.
>I decided to play around with it, and came up with this:
>(I crushed the quality rather severely on the JPEG to get the file
>down. This is meant as a preview only; the XCF is lossless and
>all of the layers that were used to achieve this composition.)
>This reflects how I often process images in order to enhance local
>contrast, although I usually throw in one or two mantiuk06 layers as
>- The "equalize contrast" layer is the original, desaturated (I almost
>always use luminosity mode), inverted, and then with a Gaussian blur
>applied (which I forget to do this time, but the other layers hammer
>values enough that it doesn't matter in this case). Without the blur,
>this will tend to wash out the value range entirely in your image,
>leaving you just color. *With* the blur, it will reduce global
>while retaining local contrast; basically, it's a sort of "poor man's
>HDR" that will bring back details in your shadows and highlights. In
>this case, however, it didn't work very well, though it does keep the
>light areas in the clouds from washing out quite so badly.
>- STRESS (Tools → GEGL Operation) is just fun. Not only will it help
>your contrast, it has an uncanny ability to remove color bias. Lower
>radius and iterations give more local contrast but are also more prone
>to noise and artifacts. I usually like to use one layer with the
>and iterations as low as possible as a gentle (low opacity) overlay
>(i.e. the "overlay" blending mode) to enhance contrast, and another
>the radius cranked up (the recommendation is "longest image dimension"
>­— in this case, 4000 — or the max of 5000) and 15+ iterations as an
>overall "improvement" layer that I usually blend in heavily or just
>outright replace the original image at the bottom of the stack.
>- C2G (also GEGL) is basically STRESS without the color. I've started
>more recently using this as an additional overlay layer, as dropping
>color often lets me get away with using a lower radius without the
>resulting artifacts being as bad. In this instance, I thought it made
>the shadows on the waves *too* dark, so I added a layer mask to blend
>out toward the bottom.
>- After playing with the blending on the above to get the contrast I
>liked, the sky was *too* blue, so I cloned the original and applied it
>with "color" blend mode to bring back some, but not all, of the pink.
>Per above, I personally think *some* blue gives character to the
>especially thinking of it as a painting and not something trying to be
>perfectly realistic. However, you could play with the opacity on this
>layer to bring the colors more back toward the original, or also play
>with Colors → Hue-Saturation (or maybe Colors → Curves) if you like a
>more saturated look.
>I stopped at this point, which basically represents where I felt
>satisfied with the overall color and contrast. Per my previous
>suggestion, however, what I would do from here is to save this, then
>start a new image from 'copy visible', scale it up to your desired
>size/DPI, then play around with Oilify, Van Gogh, and/or
>(or really anything under Filters → Artistic). For this piece, I felt
>the best results from gimpressionist were obtained setting the stroke
>direction and size both to 'adaptive', setting the brush relief to 0,
>and cranking the density. You'll also almost certainly want 'evenly
>distributed' placement. In any case, be warned that some of these may
>take quite a while to run at high resolution; you may want to play
>around for a while on a few small sections of the image.

Wow - the revision you created is beautiful!  Honestly I don’t understand most
of your explanation but the end product would be perfect!  Bottom line - how
large - realistically- could that be made and still look good?

nickib (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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