On 8/16/19 12:05 PM, awoodg...@austin.rr.com wrote:
> For the next Gimp update, on the "Help --> About GIMP" info box, please add
> a line that shows the latest downloadable version of Gimp. This would make
> it easier to update the local copy. Thx. 

That would require the GIMP to 'phone home' over the network, to find
out what the latest official release is.  I would suggest a button that
says "check for updates" and on click, opens the system default web
browser at the appropriate address.  That seems relatively simple option.

On Linux systems, the package manger already announces the availability
of patches and upgrades to the user - so, no need for notifications
inside applications.  On any platform, programs that do not need network
connections should not have them, as they present potential privacy and
security exposures.

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