>I want to see the layer behind.
>I think it is very easy and i feel myself very stupid, but i just want
>to see
>the japanese flag instead of the square of the transparency

best guess.

You have gone to some web site advertising transparent images, and taken a
screenshot. Not the way to do it.

Maybe like this:  https://i.imgur.com/e3L2b4h.jpg

The checker pattern in Gimp only indicates transparency. What you have is
picture of a checker pattern. Go back and see if you can download the image
again as a .png file which supports transparency.  If that is not possible then
you might get a reasonable result using Gimp foreground extract see:

That will separate the checker background of your image to allow a layer
underneath to show:  https://i.imgur.com/boaIzgZ.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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