Hi all

Hopefully I’m contacting the correct place here!

Was just wondering if the GIMP team publish separate “bit” installers for 
Windows OS or not – such as x86 (32-bit), 64-bit (AMD64; x86-64) and ARM 
(ARM64) as separate installers?

I’ve downloaded the latest v2.10.24 installer from the website, which it says 
is a “combination installer” that has both the 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (AMD64) 
installer data combined.  However, as use of 32-bit Windows is 
ever-diminishing, I’d prefer to download an AMD64-bit only installer, if 
possible, as I support no 32-bit installs of Windows now, so would prefer a 
smaller file-size installer.

I have tried to see if I could extract the 64-bit installer out, via both 
Universal Extractor (the one from GitHub that is still actively updated), via 
7-Zip, and also by running the installer and monitoring the TEMP folders to see 
if the full file appeared there; sadly, none of these brought any luck.

If this is not something currently offered may I suggest considering it.

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