please do 

route -n

on the UML from where you were running the listener. you might notice that
does not have any routes to handle the class D address that is being opened
by the
listener.c program. 

run the following command to add a default route pointing to the default
for that particular machine.

route add default gw nearest_router's_IP_address

run the 
route -n 
command and make sure that you have a default route installed.
listener should work now.
also, as handout pointed out.. please change the IGMP version as well. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Toheed Aslam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: December-02-08 8:08 PM
To: Muthucumaru Maheswaran
Subject: Assignment 6


We were trying to make UML listen for multicast messages (or at least send
IGMP report msg to router) by using given "listener.c" program.
But it fails with error saying "setsockopt: No such device". We were
wondering if we need to provide the router's interface address explicitly or
setsockopt() would do it internally, based on the IP multicast address?


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