On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 07:05:53AM -0700, Shawn O. Pearce wrote:

> I have no further information about the potential GitTogether than
> anyone else. IIRC there is a suggestion in this thread about hosting
> something in the EU sometime in early next year, with someone at
> GitHub acting as organizer.

Scott Chacon was looking into it, but the last I heard he was having
trouble finding a good venue in Berlin in late October (a lot of places
he was trying were booked). I don't know there that's at; he's actually
been on vacation for the past week or two, so I'm hoping to hear
something soon.

I'm not sure if this planning delay will bump the date back a little.
But nobody is talking because nobody knows yet what is going on or when,
and something will eventually happen. I will keep poking at Scott until
it does.

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