On 10/12/2012 07:05 PM, Junio C Hamano wrote:
Some problems even here (Mac OS) commit 2aeb6d4d7884f4c4425

not ok 61 - wildmatch 0 0 \ \
not ok 62 - wildmatch 0 0 /\ */\
not ok 69 - wildmatch 1 1 [ab] [[:]ab]
not ok 71 - wildmatch 1 1 [ab] [[:digit]ab]
not ok 80 - wildmatch 1 0 1 [[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]
not ok 81 - wildmatch 0 0 1 [[:digit:][:upper:][:spaci:]]
not ok 88 - wildmatch 1 0 _ 
not ok 89 - wildmatch 1 0 _ 
not ok 93 - wildmatch 1 1 y [a-c[:digit:]x-z]

Nguyen, how about updating the match () shell function in 3070 so
that it not just says not-ok, but indicates what failed (wildmatch
failed, or wildmatch passed but fnmatch failed), at least when the
test is run as "./t3070-*.sh -v -i"?

It seams to be the fnmatch, since removing the
fnmatch makes t3070 pass.

However, pullling in compat/fnmatch in the Makefile

 ifeq ($(uname_S),Darwin)
+       NO_FNMATCH = YesPlease

gives this result:
 ./t3070-wildmatch.sh 2>&1 | grep "not ok"
not ok 23 - wildmatch 1 1 a]b a[]]b
not ok 25 - wildmatch 1 1 a]b a[]-]b
not ok 43 - wildmatch 1 1 /foo **/foo
not ok 79 - wildmatch 1 1 A [[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]
not ok 84 - wildmatch 1 1 . [[:digit:][:punct:][:space:]]
not ok 85 - wildmatch 1 1 5 [[:xdigit:]]
not ok 86 - wildmatch 1 1 f [[:xdigit:]]
not ok 87 - wildmatch 1 1 D [[:xdigit:]]
not ok 90 - wildmatch 1 1 . [^[:alnum:][:alpha:][:blank:][:cntrl:][:digit:][:lower:][:space:][:upper:][:xdigit:]]
not ok 92 - wildmatch 1 1 b [a-c[:digit:]x-z]
not ok 95 - wildmatch 1 1 ] [\\-^]
not ok 98 - wildmatch 1 1 ] [\]]


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